Empowerment for Elementary, middle, & High School & LSAMP STudents

Dr. Kendrick Savage has experience working with students and teachers at the middle school, high school, and college level. As a former high school STAR Teacher of the Year, he understands what it means to positively impact students and how to get teachers to connect with students to get the most out of them. He also understands the mental toll that the profession can cause and what it means for teachers to persevere and maintain their confidence. Additionally, because he has experience at all levels, he can help students transition better from high school to collegiate programs.

Our general speaking topics for middle, high school and LSAMP students include:

  • Learning the importance of nurturing confidence through preparation, embracing authenticity and overcoming “imposter syndrome”

  • Learn to go beyond what you want.

  • Learn how to define and embrace your true identity.

  • Learn to overcome setbacks and reclaim your dreams.

  • Learn to embrace self-belief and harness your inner strength

  • Learn how to overcome adversity and pursue your greatest self.

  • Learn how to cultivate resilience, deal with grief in the midst of your academics, and finishing the work you begin.

  • Learn how to craft goals, sustain consistency, and achieve excellence.

  • Learn how a mentor can benefit your life and how to find the perfect mentor for you.

  • Learn how to take responsibility, embrace honesty and soar to new heights.

Dr. Savage’s Dynamic Elementary, middle, and high school Programs

Dr. Savage has designed programs to specifically target students in K-12. These in-school and after-school programs are multitiered and designed to meet the needs of students from any background, equipping them with the skills necessary to succeed in the future and feel confident about themselves.

  • The curriculum for this program is designed to target three main areas:

    1. Mentoring

    Students will receive designed mentoring that provides them confidence, support, and encouragement.

    2. Motivational Speaking

    Dr. Savage, with a heart for engaging and building relationships with students, will provide weekly motivation, education, and inspiration for students. The topics covered are meant to provide students with sound wisdom and motivation on how to overcome some of the greatest challenges whether academically, socially, or personally.

    3. Mathematical Awareness

    Dr. Savage, a mathematics professor and former award winning high school mathematics teacher will work with students to understand the importance of mathematics and how to use it to create a positive impact in their lives. Additionally, students will discuss the importance of STEM and future careers in STEM.

    Special Bonus: Students will have an opportunity to have live virtual sessions with professionals from different fields of expertise from healthcare, tech, human resources, STEM, and more.


    The curriculum for this program aims to keep students movin in the right direction. The program is fundamentally built around it’s 4 pillars (K.E.E.P) and designed to do the following:

    1. Increase the success of motivated students, students deemed “at risk”, and students from disadvantaged backgrounds.

    2. Provide a reason to succeed

    • A reason that makes students “want it for themselves.”

    • A reason that is connected to being an inspiration to your community.

    3. Give students a plan/blue print for future success.

    4. Make students more aware of opportunities and then take advantage of those opportunities.

    5. Create the proper mindset, actions, choices, and reflectivity it takes to reach your dreams.

INSPIRING Workshops for High School Success:

Empower your high school students with knowledge and skills that transcend academics. Contact us to schedule these transformative workshops that enrich lives, setting students on a path to success.


    High school is a pivotal phase where the future's possibilities unfold. Some students are confident in their direction, while others seek guidance. This workshop focuses on refining students' understanding of themselves, their aspirations, and the path ahead. We delve into strategies to bridge the gap between where they are and where they aim to be.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Unraveling self-beliefs for personal growth.

    • Aligning goals with future demands.

    • Nurturing a robust belief system and vision.


    Transitioning to college demands skills beyond academics. Our workshop illuminates the gap between high school and college success, equipping students with vital tools. From choosing a fitting major to managing workload and personal life, we empower students to flourish in their college journey.

    Key Insights:

    • Aligning majors with individual strengths.

    • Cultivating essential college success traits.

    • Navigating independence with accountability.

    • Balancing coursework and personal life.

    • Sharpening study techniques and teamwork skills.


    Leaving high school with financial wisdom is crucial. Our workshop introduces real-world financial concepts, from budgeting to managing debt. Students gain a practical understanding of credit, loans, savings, and responsible money practices, setting them up for fiscal success beyond high school.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Demystifying financial terminology.

    • Budgeting for practical financial decisions.

    • Navigating credit card responsibility.

    • Balancing work and student life financially.

    • Strategizing for financial stability.


    High schoolers learn that success goes beyond appearance. Dressing for success encompasses character, demeanor, and communication. This workshop instills the importance of projecting confidence and respect, whether in education or the workforce.

    Key Insights:

    • Dressing smartly as an asset, not a cliché.

    • Cultivating respect-worthy character.

    • The impact of first impressions.

    • Effective communication sans cell phone lingo.

    • Radiating confidence and respect for maximum impact.

Professional Development topics & workshops for teachers:

Our professional development workshops for teachers encompass a range of vital topics. We offer engaging sessions on leadership to foster effective classroom management, motivation to inspire both educators and students, social-emotional learning to enhance student well-being, mental agility to adapt to evolving educational landscapes, and strategies to overcome burnout. By investing in these workshops, you invest in the growth and success of your teaching staff, creating a more vibrant and effective learning environment for all.

Motivational Speaking Topics:

  • Leadership

  • Motivation

  • Social Emotional Learning

  • Mental Agility

  • Overcoming Burnout

  • Building connections and relationships with students is imperative for teacher success. A student must know that the teacher cares about their current and future success. Teachers who fail to make any connection with their students also often will have poor classroom management, disrespectful classroom environments, and less classroom focus on the subject matter. This workshop explores the barriers that teachers often create for themselves that keep them from connecting and it also shows them how to utilize what students bring to the classroom to help build connections.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Understanding Relationship Building

    • Strategies to Build Relationships

    • Getting Rid of “Teacher Walls”

    • Connecting Student Background to Content

  • Teachers endure years of studying, coaching, and practice. However, even the most seasoned teacher can waver in their confidence. If it’s not a confidence struggle with students, it can be a confidence struggle with introducing certain material or a new activity. This workshop is all about understanding that no outside factor should be a determinant of your confidence. Your confidence as a teacher only comes from you. This workshop explores what it means to be a highly confident and effective teacher and how to maintain that confidence whether you are a new teacher, a veteran teacher, or trying something new.

    Key Insights:

    • Being Confident in Self

    • Believing in Your Preparation

    • Confidence Reset

    • Owning Your Confidence Narrative

PoWERFUL Workshops for Lsamp scholars:

Empower yourself to excel in your STEM major with insights and tools that will guide you through every step. Connect with us to participate in this transformative workshop and embark on a journey of success in the world of STEM.


    Embarking on a STEM major journey can be both thrilling and challenging. As an LSAMP alumnus and first-generation graduate, I comprehend the intricacies of the path ahead. This workshop is designed for LSAMP students diving into STEM disciplines. It equips them with essential insights to embark on, persist through, and conquer the challenges of pursuing a STEM degree.

    Key Insights from the Workshop:

    • Easing the transition from high school to college.

    • Distinguishing the unique aspects of college-level STEM studies.

    • Fostering a culture of responsibility and accountability.

    • Navigating college survival with effective strategies.

    • Embracing the inspiration behind choosing a STEM major.

    Key Takeaways from the Workshop:

    • Unveiling the journey from inspiration to major selection.

    • Comprehending the journey towards completing your degree.

    • Nurturing aspirations and dreams within your major.

    • Expanding horizons with diverse career options.

    • Mastering the art of teamwork and collaboration.

    • Developing networking skills and the significance of building connections.

    1. Confidence Workshop

    Whose in control of your narrative? Is it you? Is it adversity? Is it your professor? Who gets to write your narrative?

    In this powerful workshop, Dr. Savage provides students strategies and tips on how to stay confident within themselves, with research, with networking, and beyond. It is both powerful and vulnerable at the same time.

    Key takeaways:

    1. Establish confidence to succeed at research.

    2. Establish confidence to succeed at networking.

    3. Establish confidence to succeed with your major.

    4. Establish confidence within self.

    2. IMAGINE Workshop

    This workshop is all about making sure students’ vision is in the proper place. Dr. Savage highlights the importance of vision, mental preparedness, and making sure that what students envision is not robbed by poor effort, procrastination, imposter syndrome or any other debilitating barrier.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Vision is aligned with the effort it takes to succeed.

    2. Illumination of what barriers have the potential to derail students’ goals.

    3. A blue print of strategies to develop, cultivate, and enhance a vision that supports future success.

    3. Getting to the Finish Line With Less Workshop

    Dr. Savage has put together a dynamic workshop that taps at the heart of any student that feels that they are i an uphill battle to success. Many students either come to college somewhat unprepared or feel like they may not have what it takes to complete their academic and sometimes personal journey. This is where Dr. Savage steps in to show them that a background that feels like less can actually be just what you need in order to gain success!

    Key Takeaways:

    1. The power of your background and how to use it.

    2. Less is sometimes best.

    3. How to find the strength, fortitude, and tenacity that is already there.

For valuable insights, practical knowledge, and tools to thrive in academia and beyond, enroll your scholars in these enriching workshops led by Dr. Savage. Contact us to schedule transformative sessions that pave the way for success.