Meet Dr. Savage: A Motivational Force for Educational Excellence

Dr. Savage is not just a speaker; he's a beacon of hope and change for students nationwide. With a captivating life story of triumph over personal challenges, he understands the hardships young minds face. His book, A Few Steps in the Right Direction, serves as a testament to his journey, offering insights into motivation, determination, and the power of faith.

Why Choose Dr. Savage?

Powerful Story: Dr. Savage's journey from adversity to achievement resonates with students.

Educational Expertise: A former high school math teacher, math professor, STEM advocate, and educational speaker.

Inspiring Leadership: Passion for people and a deep commitment to helping students and teachers succeed.

Unlock the Potential within Your Students and Teachers - Book Dr. Savage Today!

Dr. Birkes, University of Georgia

Dr. Angela Birkes, Former Alliance Director | Peach State LSAMP | University of Georgia

“Dr. Savage is a powerful motivator and we thank him for motivating our LSAMP scholars!”

Dr. Kendrick Savage:

Inspiring Minds, Transforming Lives

Dr. Kendrick Savage is a native of Oxford, Mississippi, who embodies the spirit of perseverance and achievement. As a first-generation and low-income college student, he embarked on an educational journey that would shape not only his own life but also the lives of countless students he's touched through his motivational speaking and dedication to education.

Education and Empowerment

With an unyielding determination to succeed, Dr. Savage earned his B.S. in mathematics from The University of Mississippi. He continued to ascend, obtaining an M.S. in mathematics and an M.A. in teaching from Mississippi State University. Driven by a passion for enhancing educational experiences, he pursued a Ph.D. in mathematics education from Mississippi State University. While working on his Ph.D., Dr. Savage was a full-time high school mathematics teacher, where he earned the STAR Teacher of the Year Award!

During his undergraduate years, Dr. Savage's involvement in programs such as LSMAMP (Louis Stokes Mississippi Alliance for Minority Participation), AGEM (Alliance for Graduate Education in Mississippi), and the McNair Scholars Program laid the foundation for his commitment to giving back. His first-hand experience as a beneficiary of these initiatives ignited a mission to empower low-income and first-generation students, offering them the support he himself had once received.

15 Years of Empowering Speech

Dr. Savage's motivational journey started during his college days, where he honed his speaking gift through programs like LSMAMP and the McNair Scholars Program. This ignited a spark that has grown into over 15 years of impactful motivational speaking. His engaging and relatable approach has made him a sought-after speaker, with opportunities ranging from workshops, keynote addresses and professional development sessions. Notably, he's made a profound impact on institutions like The University of Mississippi, University of Georgia, The University of North Georgia, East Mississippi Community College, and Fort Valley State University.

A Passionate Educator and mentor

Currently serving as an Associate Professor of Mathematics and Mathematics Education at Georgia Gwinnett College, Dr. Savage's dedication to education extends into the classroom. His commitment to excellence in teaching earned him nominations for Georgia Gwinnett College’s Outstanding Teacher Award, the Student Engagement Award and the Creative Scholarship Award. As a mentor, he strives to kindle the flames of ambition in his students, nurturing their dreams and fostering a love for learning.

A Quest for Knowledge and Social Justice

Dr. Savage's intellectual curiosity knows no bounds. With a penchant for mathematics and its applications, he explores ways to enhance students’ motivation and confidence in the field. His scholarly pursuits have also led him to delve into mathematics for social justice, using his expertise to contribute positively to society.

Changing Lives, One Word At A Time

Dr. Kendrick Savage's journey is one of triumph, resilience, and an unshakable commitment to bettering lives. With every word he speaks, every student he inspires, he turns his God-given gifts into a force for positive change. His aspiration to touch lives and make the world a better place is not just a goal—it's a testament to the indomitable human spirit.

A life Beyond academia

Beyond academia, Dr. Savage finds solace in a multitude of interests. An avid runner and fitness enthusiast, he is also a spoken word poet, blending his passion for words with his gift of speaking. His devotion to his faith and family shine through, as he cherishes his role as a loving husband and father to three beautiful daughters.

For inquiries or to invite Dr. Savage to inspire your audience, contact him today. Let his story of tenacity, empowerment, and transformation be the catalyst for change in your community.